"They shared all of this, and
then said they would tell me
their secrets of offsetting the
effects of radiation.
I moved forward in my chair
totally attentive to hear of a
miraculous substance.
They told me that
radiation is light
& has a
high vibratory frequency."
It IS time to
raise our cellular vibration
to the speed of light.
Saleena: Since Mar 13, 2011, when the 9.0 Earthquake hit Japan and the tsunami damaged their Nucler Power plants to critical levels, I have received a number of requests asking what I recommend to keep ourselves safe from the effects of possible harmful radiation exposure.
I have posted several messages and pages to help give ideas and empower oneself to protect and heal yourself, not only from this, to be in an empowered state of awareness with skills and tools to ride through the chaos of this dis-integration and dis-mantling of the old systems, both inner and outer, readying us to enter life with higher consciousness, awakened, raising our vibration until we resonate in 5D or higher and to live together in a new way upon a Paradise planet, a New Earth.
I will list those at the end.
When the Tsunami washed over Japan, it damaged many of their Nuclear Power facilities to the point that they have leaked much radiation in various senarios and continue to do this today. So we all, in some way or another are feeling the effect of such a dangerous technology and must consider the possibility of personal effect from this situation.
So I began to ask for inspiration to easily find ways to protect and or heal ourselves from this kind of exposure. I'd rather be empowered than in fear.
What I have found is that there is a much greater purpose behind this "accident" than many have seen yet. As a WHOLE we, who are riding upon our Mother Earth, are ascending. Everything that is "out of alignment with what the new vibrations that Mother Earth is ascending into are being shifted, cleansed, released and transmuted.
"There may be momentary earthquakes in our own lives such as loss of job, home, loved ones and our own health. It may seem like the end of the world but it is only the end of our world as we know it. As we seek the stability of a “ground of Being” that is unchanging we cling to what was because we are afraid of what is yet to be. The earthquakes, ensuing tsunamis and hurricanes in our life loosen our grip and force us to let go and ride the wave of evolutionary change." Rama Jyoti Vernon
There are many ways to deal with toxins, and I mean at all levels, physical, emotional, spiritual and even some that we brought here with us from the cosmos. We are here on Earth to work out great cosmic conflicts and we certainly have co-created a wonderful stage to "play out" these trauma-drama-differences and conflict senarios out in their full glory.
I am particpating daily with making my own MEDICINES OF LIGHT. I love doing this. If you haven't tried it yet, it is empowering and free! There are so many other challenges that are all presenting themselves daily as this ascension process unfolds and I have had many new ideas of how to use this wonderful technique from the Hathors to help solve them. Thank you. I have updated the page today.
I am attentive to listen to my body-mind-spirit each day and give it what it is asking for; from kelp to silica, and was led to a formula to strengthen my bones. There are so many plants outside in our garden and growing on the land around us that can help, so I walk outside and listen, I ask to be guided by the Devas and the Plant Spirits and my BENEVOLENT Higher Self to know what to eat. For the last week I would look in the fridge and find that the only thing I was attracted to eat is food that is "light" with a very alive vibration. I had to laugh when my sister, Mary, said that all she wants anymore are smoothies, light foods, affirming the pattern I had been feeling and responding to. We are all so linked! We are all so guided if we trust ourselves to listen and respond to our own inner nudgings. I also continue to SUNGAZE, when I can, to solar energize and heal and optimize my body-mind-spirit.
I am doing everything in my power to release my Karma and any no longer useful or limiting old patterns and beliefs from this life or past lives, using anything that is upsetting me, especially if I am projecting it on someone else, to be my reminder, my teacher and guide in the moment where I need to focus. If I begin to succumb to fear I use all my skills to transition it to trust-hope-joy-gratitude, whatever I comes to keep myself vibrating higher.
If I am unaware what what to do about anything I ask for clear guidance and ideas to come to me. I also invite my Guides, the Angels, my Higher Dimensional Friends and Nature to participate in assisting me in anyway they know how to do what is the highest option for my own Soul's Purpose and Mission. They do. I also affirm what a beautifully synchromistic life I live. EVERYTHING I NEED in EVERY MOMENT COMES TO ME EASILY.
"Ecstatic states of consciousness are an evolutionary agent that you would do well to take advantage of. These states of consciousness can radically shift the harmonics of your consciousness into higher octaves. Living from such an expanded state allows you to be more resourceful and intelligent as you confront the collapse of your old world and ride the wave, so to speak, into the new world that is not yet fully born." The Hathors Through Tom Kenyon
When I am in inner HARMONY
and I feel SAFE
and I TRUST myself…
If there was one main "job" I could recommend right now it would be this. For me the best thing to do is whatever I capable of to VIBRATE HIGH!. Love is one of the greatest antidotes for everything misaligned and for keeping our vibration HIGH!
Each of our lives is a reflection into the greater whole to help all see how will resolve the ancient galactic and cosmic conflicts that arose as evolution took us further from our Source vibration of ONEness and now we are tasked to find our way HOME to HARMONY and ONEness.
So when I saw this message, I felt a joyful surge of energy. YES! This is it! Another piece of the puzzle…we are getting it….
Powerful Message:
Japan, Radiation & Spiritual Emergence
by Rama Jyoti Vernon
We are now facing more tides of change.
The danger of radiation spewing
into the environment hovers like an
invisible shadow over the survivors in Japan
as well as other parts of the world.
We do not yet know how the
cascading effects will take shape.
A few days ago, the news broadcast that traces of radiation were found in California but it has not since been mentioned. There is usually a tendency to downplay its presence and impact for fear of panic.
I have received calls from Yoga teachers throughout this country who know of my exposure to radiation and depleted uranium in Chernobyl, Kosovo and Afghanistan.
They want to know what I have learned about living with radiation after enduring damage to my health and surviving two near death experiences as a result of this exposure.
The greatest piece of knowledge I can share with you I learned from the Soviets during my eight years working in the former Soviet Union.
Some of my Soviet colleagues were working with the children whose lives were shortened since the fallout of Chernobyl.
They built salt rooms that looked like crystal caves for the children to remain in for a specified length of time.
They used medicinal herbs indigenous to their region. Yoga was a mainstay for strengthening bones, balancing the endocrine system and raising the blood count on those little beings dying of leukemia.
Before Chernobyl, the Russian children had strong bones, strong bodies and thick lustrous hair. After Chernobyl, I was shocked to see the children with their wispy hair, weak limbs and alarmingly thin weak bodies. Some children would be fortunate to reach the age of 15, diagnosed with illnesses of many names but all traced to the aftermath of Chernobyl.
A group of doctors and healers were having success with their groups of children. I inquired into what they were doing. They described the environmental conferences they held with their affected neighbors of the Scandinavian countries. They were concerned about contamination to the fish in their seas, to the grass-fed milk cows, to the lands, rivers and lakes. They were concerned about the air they breathed and the earth itself.
They shared all of this, and
then said they would tell me
their secrets of offsetting the
effects of radiation.
I moved forward in my chair
totally attentive to hear of a
miraculous substance.
They told me that
radiation is light
and has a
high vibratory frequency.
Through their spiritual practices of
meditation, prayer, Yoga,
eating less dense foods
and faith and love of God,
they could raise their own
cellular vibration to that of radiation
to offset the harmful effects.
They were smiling and even joyful.
"You see,"
one Russian doctor bubbled with excitement,
"We are using radiation
as our spiritual guide.
It forces us to be
more fully conscious
each moment of every day.
If we have a negative thought
it reduces the vibratory frequency
of our cells and
we become more susceptible.
If we are angry or critical,
our cells vibrate at a slower pace
and we can become ill.
If we become lighter,
we become light and
become one with the
light of radiation.
You see,"
they beamed,
"radiation is our spiritual practice."
I was reminded of this profound statement last September in a laser light seminar. I shared the stories of my exposures to radiation with the seminar leader and he responded,
"You've received the light.
Now it is time for you to give it out."
It was a profound moment for me and reminded me of the wisdom of the Russians I had forgotten; it was
time to raise the cellular vibration to the speed of light.
Renewed health and energy began changing my life from that moment on.
After using the laser,
I felt energy streaming into my cells creating greater balance and strength.
Now I feel better than I have in 30 years…have
greater strength,
energy and enthusiasm
than ever before.
Perhaps the greatest gift radiation
can give us is a trim tab
shift in perception.
Instead of seeing radiation
as destructive to health
we can use it as an
opportunity for spiritual evolution.
Saleena: I am working with a new technique that I will be sharing soon. It has to do with building your own soul struture and moving in. It seems the buzz words lately are to become aware we have the power to instantly "Shift Persception" "Change Tracks" "Change our Experience."
This message is a great reminder of this that it doesn't really matter the degree or intensity of what is happening we do have the power to change our expereince with it. More and more whatever you say… Your UNIVERSE says YES! and much faster than ever before!
"Love is the
greatest power in the Universe,
it's the greatest healer and it
transcends all the boundaries and
all borders we have created
with our own self-limitations."
To read more of her insightful article:
Japan, Radiation, and Spiritual Emergence
More Related Links to Explore:
Excellent: Radiation Toxicity Antidotes
Useful Techniques & Tools – Links
Empower Yourself to Protect and Heal Yourself
Water Prayer & Nu-Clear Energies – Omni-D Travel Adventure
We are so aligned, dearheart! Here's my posts Radiation = Light
Love, Amara
Age of Awakening Compilation